Saturday, November 17, 2007

for those who think i should voice myself

I am starting writing just coz Ashtung wants me to. He thinks I should share my wisdom and thoughts with fellow men and women .So please be patient while reading and If u don’t understand the metaphors and quotes, please call me. In case u do and want to kill me for that, please kill Ashutosh cos he is the reason I am going to direct my efforts with the sole purpose of pointing out the hypocrisy and foolishness that mars our lives

Before I start barking, to either your relief or disappointment, I shall point out the things I won’t bark about,

1) temperature of eating joints in insti (I was feeling hot when inside and cold when I came out…blah blah blah… sorry no one cares )
2) movies which I think I like coz I can say I like them ( X men , matrix ad LOTR are not classic , they are not even Cla )
3) my daily time table ( u eat at a place write how was the food , not how u were at time moved by misery of being born )
4) poems ( u suck at them most of the time )
5) why I think world wants to destroy u .

And I will be sharing my views on
1) why most of people think 16*2=8
2) how can u draw parallels between a blackbuck and a dog
3) why we have plays with three actors

4) enlighten people about terms like mass hysteria , follow the crowd
5) etc etc etc

Please don’t leave any comments which have something against my views. I don’t care